Pennsylvania Supreme Court Changes Outdated Medical Malpractice Law

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  • Pennsylvania Supreme Court Changes Outdated Medical Malpractice Law
    Medical professionals have a duty of care to those they serve. Although doctors are human beings, and can thus make mistakes at times, to the best of their abilities, doctors should strive to properly diagnose and treat their patients. Patients or the loved ones of patients who’ve lost their lives can file medical malpractice claims when medical professionals breach this...
  • How Telehealth May Result in Medical Malpractice
    During the Covid-19 pandemic, many physicians and other such healthcare professionals began increasingly offering telehealth services to patients. Although there are naturally some healthcare services that can’t be provided via the Internet, various types of basic appointments can be conducted without requiring patients and doctors to meet in person. This arrangement yields several benefits for both parties. During the Covid-19...
  • Blood Thinner and Drug Malpractice – The Rundown
    Healthcare facilities are ripe with important operations, including everything from surgeries to mental health psychiatric assistance. There are, therefore, many different mechanisms that healthcare facilities have in place to improve overall public health. However, such environments may oftentimes have certain complications and mishaps that occur within their walls. Many Philadelphia firms such as The Weitz Firm, LLC have seen repeated...
  • Recent Court Decision Would Redefine the Meaning of “Cause of Death”
    Currently, in Pennsylvania, there is no exact definition of the term “cause of death.” Lawmakers and medical professionals have come to a common understanding of what is meant by “cause of death.” Typically, this refers to what is written on the death certificate. However, recently courts have found the term to be broad and ambiguous.  The ambiguity of the term...
  • Common Emergency Room Errors in Pennsylvania
    When someone goes to the emergency room, they anticipate that their needs will be met quickly and with competent care. However, emergency rooms can be a chaotic environment at times, and many of them are understaffed. Even well-intentioned medical professionals have several possibilities to make mistakes as a result of this.  Patients may suffer major problems or die as a result of errors in...
  • Six Common Medical Errors and Mistakes
    Medical providers are educated, highly trained people and we trust them with our health.  Unfortunately, medical mistakes and errors are common. When they occur, they can have major impacts on patients. At The Weitz Firm, LLC., our Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys provide trusted legal representation victims and their families can count on in these cases. We hold those at fault...
  • Commonly Misdiagnosed Conditions Among Older Adults
    Older adults today enjoy a more full and active lifestyle than prior generations. Proper diagnosis and management of illnesses and chronic medical conditions play a key role in maintaining your overall health. Unfortunately, medical misdiagnosis is common and can lead to dangerous delays in treatment. Our Norristown medical malpractice attorneys want you to be aware of some of the most...
  • The Complications and Risks of Cosmetic Surgery
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  • Philly Hospitals Under Fire for Egregious Missteps
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  • Nation’s Leading Cause Of Accidental Death: Medical Errors And Accidents
    Perhaps no professionals are more trusted than those working in the medical field, and usually, this trust is well-placed. However, the fact that the nation’s leading cause of accidental death is medical errors and accidents underscores the fact that there is a problem among doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, pharmacists, and other medical professionals tasked with keeping Americans safe from harm. The Weitz...


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