Should I Hire a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Near Me?

Should I Hire a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Near Me?

A quick Google search for medical malpractice attorneys in your area may turn up hundreds if not thousands of results, with many attorneys claiming that they specialize in medical malpractice. However, it is oftentimes the case that the lawyer’s actual office is miles and miles away. The success of your medical malpractice claim hinges largely on the expertise and negotiating and litigating skills of the lawyer you choose. Hiring a medical malpractice lawyer near you has distinct advantages over going with an out-of-town lawyer. Let’s look at what your hometown attorney offers that you can’t get from the other guy.

Your local attorney has a reputation. Just ask around and you’re bound to find out if your local attorney is worth his salt. There’s a greater chance when going with a local attorney that you’ll be able to ask friends and relatives about the services that he offers too, since there’s a greater chance that they have dealt with him in the past.

You can access his help easier. If a lawyer is commuting to five different offices each week or visits the local office just twice a month or less frequently, getting the personalized help your case requires takes a complicated turn.

Your local lawyer has been networking. He likely knows many of the attorneys and even judges in your area, so he has a distinct advantage walking into the courtroom (knows the judge’s temperament, for example).

You’re important to your local lawyer. He wants to please you; you’re a member of his community. He knows his reputation rides on the service he provides to you. This means he will work harder for you than an attorney who may never see you again because he’s rarely in town.

He’s a community member. The same principle of shopping local applies to choose a local attorney. His money stays in your community, which is a win-win situation for all.

He understands medical malpractice. Choosing a local attorney who specializes in medical malpractice gives you a greater chance of winning your case. Medical malpractice cases are nothing if not complex. A personal injury attorney with no experience negotiating with medical malpractice insurers may not understand the nuances of care standards that must be violated for a claim to be successful and how to show that those standards were not met. He may also not understand the value of expert witness testimony in high-value medical malpractice claims. Always go for a local attorney who has a reputation for fighting for malpractice victims to bolster the chances of your claim’s success.

Your attorney has the resources to bring your case to trial if need be. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to properly litigate a medical malpractice claim. Going with an established attorney with a history of medical malpractice wins ensures that your case is given the total preparation required to achieve a maximum payout on your behalf.

Contact our The Weitz Firm, LLC now to speak to our Philadelphia medical malpractice attorney. We can review your case details and help you determine the best way to approach your claim. Schedule your free consultation now.



    We are highly selective in the cases we undertake to ensure that can give each client his full attention. You can schedule an appointment for a personal injury consultation at our Philadelphia office by calling us, or by filling out our online intake form.