How Long Can It Take to Recover Compensation for a Medical Malpractice Case?

Nobody should ever have to worry about being harmed due to the negligent actions of a healthcare provider. Unfortunately, medical mistakes happen all the time in this country. While it is true that medical malpractice victims can recover compensation for what has happened to them, this process can become complicated. At The Weitz Firm, LLC, we are here to help you recover the compensation you deserve as quickly as possible. Call us today so our Philadelphia medical malpractice attorneys can get started.

Getting your case started

Medical mistakes are a common occurrence in the US. Johns Hopkins researchers shocked the medical community when they determined that medical mistakes were the third leading cause of death in the country. However, those who survive these a medical mistake are often left holding massive medical bills and unable to work.

One of the most important aspects of a medical mistake case is the statute of limitations. In Pennsylvania, a medical malpractice lawsuit must be filed within two years from the date a person is injured or from when they discover that a mistake has been made. However, no medical malpractice case can be filed for more than seven years from the date the mistake occurs (unless the victim was under 18 at the time of the incident).

When a medical malpractice case is filed, there is no way to determine exactly how long it will take to recover the compensation you are entitled to. Much of that will depend on how quickly the case is settled or whether it must go before a jury. Some cases can be settled in a year or two, which others can take longer to resolve.

What factors can affect the timeline of a case?

As with all legal proceedings, the more complicated the case, the longer it will take to resolve. Some of the factors in a medical malpractice case include:

  • How long it takes to obtain the medical records
  • The discovery period in which each side learns what they can about the case
  • Securing expert medical witnesses
  • Filing motions to narrow the issues before a case goes to trial
  • How busy the court calendar is

There may also be time spent in settlement conferences, mediation, or arbitration before a case goes to trial.

We are ready to help you through this

If you or a loved one have been injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare providers, you may be entitled to compensation. At The Weitz Firm, LLC, our qualified and experienced team is ready to get to work on your behalf. Let us investigate your case and work to secure:

  • Compensation for all medical expenses related to the mistake
  • Coverage of lost wages if you cannot work
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages against anyone responsible

If you need a Philadelphia medical malpractice attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling 267-587-6240.



    We are highly selective in the cases we undertake to ensure that can give each client his full attention. You can schedule an appointment for a personal injury consultation at our Philadelphia office by calling us, or by filling out our online intake form.